Just like food… organically grown ingredients often have higher nutrient levels, and are missing chemical residues that can irritate skin or potentially cause long term harm in the body. Natural, raw, organic skincare is so important worldwide.
“An article published by the American Journal of Public Health revealed that the outer layer of skin, called the stratum corneum, is a less effective barrier than traditionally expected. (1) With research showing that skin absorbs approximately 64% of what we put on it, we see how topical skin care products can negatively or positively affect the body. This is useful for both avoiding absorption of negative compounds and also using the knowledge use to our advantage for optimal absorption of premium anti-aging ingredients.” EllaSkin.com
This relates strongly to the spread of our Made for Life Skincare products. The spread of it from the environment, to our treatments and letting it cleanly immerse back in to the environment. Healthy and clean for both our actual bodies’ and the surroundings.
The nature in Canada is a site to show how fast our environment is ‘updating’ as each generation passes.
It was beautiful to see our photographer Lucia Griggi take our environmentally clean and organic products to such a nature dominated environment.
1. Why did you happen to be in Canada?
I had an expedition on an icebreaker vessel throughout the NE passage – from Alaska, circumnavigating the arctic through Canada and through to Artic Russia, finishing in Norway. Simply for my photography being focused on nature, travel and expeditions worldwide.
The climate is amazing and there is a warm environment despite the cold stark temperature, enhanced by the beautiful colourful land growths found in the wooden and rocky surroundings. The strongest nature beings that fall into my memories are the bears, sea otters, seals, whales, it’s full of nature, full of life, pushed through the strong environmental ambience.
2. The environment is so rich and beautiful, but cold. Does this surrounding help you choose what to take?
For trips like this, I am in and out of the water, an element that makes my body need strong, nourishing products.
Age well intensive moisturiser (here) I use worldwide (in both hot and COLD environments) – a light covering day to day, normally just in the morning, though 3-4 x a day in cold atmosphere like Canada. It gives me a thicker barrier to make me feel comfortable.
Cleansing Balm (here), restorative body balm (here), body oil (here) are my 3 products next in line.
It’s very important to know that in a strongly natural environment, you can enrich and salvage it through both food choice and skin care.
I see the skincare as a perfect journey experience, every morning – simply starting with the aroma, which I indulge in every morning for a moment before nourishing my skin with the oils and balms. Made for Life Skincare is a big benefit, as it satiates my skin through out the day; when hiking through woods and jumping in lakes for camerawork.
3. Does the plastic-free and zero waste products make a difference to your choice of product?
The packaging is an important life quality. For which I keep the packaging either for re-use or even as an element in my loved art work. Through these distanced natural work explorations I experience, it hurts to see ‘plastic rubbish’ floating in the ocean or lakes, and I see landfills overspilled into the ocean – small islands with minimal infrastructure.
We have simple opportunities to avoid the packaging, as strongly indicated by MFL, that contributes to demising our environment. The animals seen out there solidify my eco product ethos, to chose those that simply have no unnatural ingredients or damaging packaging materials to be negatively affected by if even lost en route.
The environment is so rich and beautiful, but cold. It pushes one to realise the need to take environmentally sourced products, those that can dissolve naturally and beneficially to both the environment and skin. The strength of the pure products, Made for Life is one focused to make products last longer, not watered down and preserved with chemicals that degrade the skin the surrounding growths. Canada pushes strong waste and environmental management through their government, which is well worth a read.
4. Tell us about your exploration in Canada.
Worldwide I like to ‘feel what’s underneath me’. On this trip I was moving through the bush and riding a small plane to the lakes, and seeing it as an element that gave me further interaction toward the wilderness environment and wildlife. Every step is worth it, and to hike through the area is amazing, and I love travelling deeper to the untouched.
I feel at one with nature mentally – this fits perfectly with the Made for Life Skincare.
Check other products for added chemicals or those being less effective due to the hydration and dilution of the products for higher profits.
Holland and Barrett have a highlighted insight to the main skincare hidden chemicals; read more.

Editors note: This article was updated from the original which was published on June 1st, 2021.